
We aim to create the best scrap catalog you've ever seen. With our growing database of material analyses, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive information on various scrap materials. Our reach extends worldwide, with active users from trading, processing, and recycling companies spanning across the globe. From Norway in the north to Pakistan in the south, we have gathered a diverse community of industry professionals.

+30 000


Our database is growing every day. Our goal is to reach 30 000+ analysis on different materials. Let's make the best scrap catalog ever.

World wide

Active Users

We got users all over the world. Trading, processing and recycling companies. They are all gathered, from Norway in the north to Pakistan in the south.


Team Members

Young company but alot of expericene.

That’s our story

We are an small but dedicated company that loves the scrap recycling industry. Our team has an exeperience in scrap aswell in digital marketing. Since 2021 we have been developing an application for the recycling industry to make it easier to get real time analysis on the material that you looking for. Since the start we have been able to make results for our members, making their business more profitable. And its been a pleasure.


Team members

If you ask or team what we are, they would probably say nerds in scrap data. This sounds strange but its true. We love data and analysis on scrap materials and giving that to the scrap recycling community is a pleasure for us. Our team is dedicated to make your business of recycling easier, more porfitable and more fun. We have come a long way and are constantly working for improvement.

Our mission is to deliver the biggest scrap catalog ever made.


Great products with tons of effort

An old saying goes, if you work hard, it will pay off. We have been trying for a long time to understand what the scrap industry needs and we think we have figured it out. We are well on our way!

Latest articles from Scrapanalysis

Our latest articles related to scrapanalysis, guides- and scrapmaterial.


© 2024 Skrotkraft AB. Through our e-catalog with hundreds of analyzes from hundreds of manufacturing companies in the cable, telecom and electronics industries, we can ensure that you get sufficient knowledge to train your own staff but also to do good and accurate business.